It is with regret that we announce the temporary pause of the Business from the Heart Awards. We understand the importance of fairness and accuracy in recognizing outstanding businesses, and unfortunately, the current technical issues compromised these principles.

We extend our sincere gratitude to all who took the time to submit nominations for the various awards. Your participation reflects the vibrant spirit and dedication within our business community. Please rest assured that all nominations received will be securely stored and carried forward to the next iteration of the event.

While this pause may be disappointing, it is necessary to uphold the standards of excellence that the Business from the Heart Awards represent. We are committed to resolving these technical challenges and returning with an event that truly celebrates the heart and soul of our business community.

Thank you for your understanding, patience, and continued support.

Your Business from the Heart Team

Can Business Change the World?

Yes, it can.

What we do at Business from the Heart Awards is honour and celebrate exceptional businesses that are doing their part to make the world a better place. 

The Vision:

The world is full of businesses that put profit above all else.

We believe that by showcasing exceptional businesses that balance profit, people, and the environment, we can create awareness and a desire for businesses to elevate their own practices.

Our awards are about building a better world through heart-centred businesses.

Join the Movement – it’s all Heart


We close the Nominations for 2024 on February 15th at 5pm PST

Check out the award categories! Nominate yourself or someone else – spread the love!


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