We are exposed to over 6000 advertising messages a day of constantly being sold to,
and people are sick of it.

As a company it’s easy to get lost in that noise.

This is a problem because what people really love is to be connected to the brands they buy.

Our Awards Sponsorship package goes beyond simply promoting your company,
we highlight and align your business’ values with the award you are sponsoring and
create brand loyalty by building an emotional connection to you

How much of your current marketing is doing that?

Let’s elevate your brand and change the world.

There are only 9 opportunities to be an Awards sponsor

All for $1497 CAD!
Have your business name on an award!

We want you to have an incredibly rewarding experience as an Awards sponsor – here are all the benefits you can look forward to!

  • Your businesses name on the award you are giving
  • Social Media posts designed for you.
  • 1 captivating social media video interviews.
  • Company logo on award assets for all award phases, nomination, voting, awards ceremony, and post celebration
  • The opportunity to present the award at the Gala
  • Direct links to your website, helping you with your SEO
  • Your ticket + an additional ticket to the Awards Gala

Become an Awards Sponsor!

$1497 - so many amazing benefits!

It’s easy to become an Awards Sponsor, just complete the form below – selecting the award you wish to sponsor, and the next step of payment and we’ll get started!
We can’t wait to work with you!